VibeStop™: How Renoun is Using Tech to Change the Ski Industry
Skiing is all about flow: that blend of balance and control, fluidly leading from one turn into the next. From carving down steep slopes to navigating variable conditions, the importance of a smooth ride is paramount to a good day in the mountains. Enter Renoun’s VibeStop™ technology—a groundbreaking innovation designed to enhance stability and reduce chatter at high speeds. The tech isn't just another ski-brand buzzword; it's a game-changing advancement that redefines the limits of what skis can do.
So what is this blue goo that Renoun puts in their skis?
VibeStop™ is designed to reduce vibrations and deliver stability at high speeds or in choppy terrain. That’s achieved through blending traditional ski construction with modern engineering to produce a ride that is smooth, controlled, and responsive.
VibeStop™ is a non-Newtonian polymer, and for those of us a few years out from our last science class, a non-Newtonian material means one that has a change in viscosity when exposed to stress. (Viscosity is “the state of being thick, sticky, and semifluid in consistency, due to internal friction,” per the Oxford Dictionary.) If that feels complicated, consider that ketchup is non-Newtonian. At first flip, it’s hard to get any ketchup to pour out of the bottle. The more you shake and tap on the bottle’s side, i.e. apply stress, the thinner the liquid becomes—its viscosity changes.
With VibeStop™, viscosity also changes under force, though in this case, the chemical compound that makes VibeStop™ becomes more rigid under stress or impact and remains flexible during lower-force conditions. For skiing, this means that your skis stay pliable and forgiving when you're cruising at moderate speeds or on gentle terrain, but they stiffen the moment you start charging down steep or bumpy runs. This allows for greater control, stability, and precision in any type of snow condition.
Renoun integrates VibeStop™ into the ski’s core, effectively dampening vibrations that can compromise control. When skiing at high speeds, these vibrations, or chatter, can lead to a less stable experience; simply put, it’s harder to keep your balance and stay centered and in control of your body and turns. Not super fun.
When those vibrations, i.e. stress, occur, the embedded VibeStop™ activates. As the ski encounters choppy snow or high speeds, the non-Newtonian elements stiffen and absorb the energy from those vibrations. The end result is far more control—and the end result of that is a happier, more confident skier.
Clearly, we think VibeStop™ matters, and you should, too. After all, the effects of VibeStop™ are instantaneous. The technology reacts in live time, so when you’re charging down a steep trail, then navigating variable snow, then pretending you’re a GS racer, VibeStop™ is constantly adjusting its viscosity. The resulting stability and smoothness feels like your skis have been tuned specifically for the conditions you're encountering—and in a different sense of the word, they have been.
There are three main outcomes from incorporating VibeStop™ into a ski. This first is that with less vibration comes better control . Skis equipped with VibeStop™ stay more responsive, allowing you to make micro-adjustments with ease, whether you're tackling tight trees or open powder fields.
The second result is increased stability . At high speeds, VibeStop™ firms up, which ensures that your skis track true without wobbling, even when you're pushing your limits.
The third outcome is the best one: skiing is simply more fun when you’re in control. VibeStop™ technology enhances your overall experience on the mountain by minimizing chatter and maximizing your ability to respond to any condition .
Renoun has a larger mission to continually innovate in ski design, and VibeStop™ is a huge part of that ethos. Traditional skis have long relied on wood cores, metal laminates, and carbon-fiber reinforcements to balance flexibility and stiffness. While these materials offer a healthy balance of performance characteristics, they aren't able to actively adapt to the skier’s speed or the terrain. VibeStop™ changes that equation.
By using a material that changes its properties based on the forces applied to it, Renoun has created a ski that responds dynamically to different skiing conditions. It’s a major leap forward to have skis that adjust in real time.
While VibeStop™ might sound like it's designed for high caliber athletes and elite skiers, the material is designed for—and benefits—skiers of all levels. For advanced riders, more stability and control at speed are obvious advantages. And for intermediate skiers, having a ski that helps them stay centered results in more confidence to progress.
A huge benefit of VibeStop™ is how it helps to make skiing less tiring. By reducing the amount of vibration that ricochets up your legs, you experience less fatigue as the runs stack up. This means more laps, and less of that burning sensation in your quads after hours at the mountain.
With VibeStop™, Renoun is looking ahead and taking a proactive approach to solving one of the oldest problems in skiing—vibration. They’re doing so in a way that benefits every skier, regardless of skill level or terrain preference. Join the Renoun Skis revolution, and make tracks that others will follow.
Renoun Skis Reviews team has over a decade of ski design and manufacturing experience, and decades of combined ski-industry experience ranging from certified PSIA ski instructors to shop technicians, racers, and coaches. We also have a deep passion for and love of all things skiing. The team utilizes this experience to provide unparalleled reviews that dive deep to help guide your purchase for just about any ski-related item and help inform you of any ski-focused tips and tricks about maintenance, on-hill performance, and even the best places to enjoy your Après-Ski. Through written and video content, the Renoun Skis Reviews team is here to help inform you on all things ski-related.
Our team curates recommendations based on an intensive research and review process and leverages our unique expertise in the industry. A product must be exceptional in quality and have unique features to qualify for consideration in our review process. For all tips and tricks, all advice is based on on-hill and ski manufacturing knowledge, as well as intensive research to ensure accuracy and help skiers like you stay informed.
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