Size up a few centimeters if:

  1. You ski in 1ft+ of snow often or ski in steep (i.e. if you fall you won’t stop until the bottom) terrain often. This is more indicative of Western resorts typically.
  2. The skis you have some rocker to them. The more rocker, the more you should size up - a powder ski, for example, which has the most rocker of anything, should be 5-7cm longer. For most skis out there with rocker, an additional 3-4cm will be just fine.
  3. If you like a longer ski! If you don’t know if you like a longer ski, then let me tell you: you don’t!
  4. On the heavier side for your height
  5. Ski every other weekend or more during the winter (i.e. you ski often).

Size down a few centimeters if:

  1. You’re picking a carving specific ski - i.e. doesn't have rocker or early-rise to it. 
  2. Ski in tight trees often (I’m talking “I just can’t enough of the trees!” kind of often)
  3. On the lighter side for your height.
  4. Ski a few times a year, but not almost every weekend.