The First and Only

How do you innovate in an industry confined to the physical dimension? All skis share a basic principle; they’re boards that slide on snow. Who are we to say ours are different? It’s a fair question that we’ve been asked many times.

When we started RENOUN, we gave ourselves one rule: break them.

Founded in 2011, we struggled to make our products unequivocally different. This industry has incredible talent so that’s no easy task. Skis have been designed, built, ripped apart, re-designed, and rebuilt so many times, we wondered how we could stand apart. We were lucky, actually. On a Monday morning, we stumbled onto the data from a polymer that cheated physics. The beautiful truth in the data led us in pursuit of what would become HDT™. We wrestled with this substance previously reserved for the aerospace industry and prototyped our skis until we found success. In 2014, we launched RENOUN and immediately turned heads. Within two months we won ISPO’s Gold Award. This isn’t to say we’ve completed our mission. Far from it. We exist to develop products that move, inspire, and create purpose in people’s lives.

There is much more to do. And we refuse to stop.


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