Ski Insurance

The Ultimate Peace of Mind

Complete Theft & Damage Protection

Renoun Ski Insurance is a comprehensive insurance policy for your new Renouns that provides Theft Protection & Complete Damage Protection for the first 12 months.


If your skis are stolen within the first 12 months, send us the police report, and we'll replace them once – no questions asked.


If your skis are damaged beyond repair, we'll replace them one time for $149 (even if it’s your fault).

Insurance purchase covers 1 (one) pair of Renoun skis and does not apply to bindings or any other other product or service unless specifically noted by Renoun at the time of purchase. If either Theft Protection or Damage Protection is claimed, the purchased Insurance policy is then concluded following the replacement of the stolen or damaged ski. A new insurance policy can then be purchased on the replacement ski if user chooses. Coverage begins on your Insurance purchase date. Does not cover bodily injury or harm. Ski under control at all times.

Insurance is the Best Assurance

Whether you’re on the hill or on the road, rest assured your gear investment will be protected with Renoun’s ski insurance policy – no matter where you are.

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